Thursday, September 15, 2011


A Baptist pastor in Rick Perry's Texas is certain that the world and especially America is coming to an End.  This really isn't much different from the ravings of Glenda Beck or the beliefs of the Orthodox rabbis in New York.
Church's Sept. 11 message: America is doomed
Associated Press - 9/7/2011 9:15:00 AM

DALLAS - America is doomed. That's the message that will be preached at First Baptist Church of Dallas starting on Sunday evening -- the tenth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

The Dallas megachurch's senior pastor, Rev. Robert Jeffress, believes "America is too far gone to be saved," but he believes Christians can delay its collapse so they can win more converts.

According to Jeffress, several Supreme Court decisions have doomed the country. "When you remove prayer, when you allow the killing of children, and when you destroy the basic underpinnings of the family, you have destroyed the infrastructure of any culture," he states.

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