Saturday, May 03, 2008


I was listening to Levin's show a couple of days ago and I heard him go off on a supposedly recently discovered massive Chinese naval base under construction. Cernig points out that 1) it wasn't recently discovered and 2) what's wrong with a nation that depends on many imported goods from wanting to protect the sea lanes?

Levin went on to call, as he has done before, for a 50% increase in our defense spending. In his words, he wants to increase defense spending from 4% of GDP to 6%, the same that it was under St. Raygun. He also said that this is another reason we can't elect a liberal President.

Wingnuts like Jed Babbin and Bill "Slots" Bennett have been banging the drum about China for several years, apparently in the hope that a serious external threat will help improve the conservatives electoral chances. They really are the Party of WAR.

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